古河电气工业株式会社(Furukawa Electric,以下简称“古河电工”)创立于1884年。现公司总部位于日本东京,是一家大型跨国公司。产品涉及信息通信、汽车、电子产品、能源、建筑、材料等过个领域。截止2011年3月末统计数据,公司总资本净值693.95亿日元(同期日元-美元汇率约为82,所以约合8.46亿美元),总员工人数39,352人 古河电池是日本古河电工集团旗下企业,在日本东京证券交易所上市,是国际电池行业的*公司。该公司拥有60余年专业从事电池技术研发和制造的经验,产品涉及各类铅酸电池、碱性电池、锂离子电池、电池管理系统和电力电源设备等,应用覆盖汽车、摩托车、通信、能源等多个产业领域,面向**市场,以技术良好、制造精益和品质优良著称。 古河电池资材部では、主要制品の铅蓄电池�1�71�1�779�1�71�1�779アルカリ蓄电池�1�71�1�779�1�71�1�779各种电源装置の原材料、部品等のご绍介をお待ちいたしております。 主な调达资材は次の通りとなっていますので、仕様等の详细につきましては、下记あてお问い合わせください。 Japan FB Battery provides the energy to reliably operate transportationsystems. As the development of transportation systemsengenders demands for greater comfort and convenience in the movement of people and goods,the energy necessary to power transportation systems becomes more and more Battery provides energy used in automobiles, trains, ships, and all other modesof transportation in helping to move society forward. The exceptional power of FB Battery. We make energy that opens the door to progressand is friendly to the environment. Our products respond to0ngoing needs forlighter weight and higher capacity—that goes without saying. We at Furukawa Battery, however,are also making valuable contributions to the research and development of solar powergeneration systems, which would provide an endless source of energy, electric vehicles, andother systems and products. As a general manufacturer of electric powersources, we combine cutting-edge technical capabilities with a wealth of knowledge inapplying the exceptional power of FB Battery to pioneer new developments in the provision anduse of electric power.